Full curriculum vitae

Kevin S. Hawkins

ORCID iD icon https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2912-8038

Asterisks (*) indicate work done in the course of employment or a grant.

Translations of non-English citations are given after black right-pointing arrows (►).

Unless coauthored or otherwise stated within, works linked from this page and residing on this domain name are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Education | Employment | Peer-reviewed Publications | Invited Publications | Editor-reviewed Publications | Journal Issues | Translations | Book Reviews | Standards, Guidelines, & Best Practices | Tutorials | Whitepapers & Reports | Refereed Workshops | Refereed Presentations | Invited Presentations | Unrefereed Presentations | Grants | Contributions | Service | Consulting | Professional Membership | Awards and Honors


  1. Certificate, CopyrightX (a networked course offered under the auspices of Harvard Law School, HarvardX, and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society (then the Berkman Center for Internet and Society)) (June 15, 2015).
  2. Encoded Archival Context - Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF), Society of American Archivists (University of North Texas, September 25, 2014).
  3. M.S., Library and Information Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (conferred December 22, 2003). GPA: 3.921/4.00.
  4. B.A. cum laude, Russian Language and Literature, University of Maryland (conferred May 23, 2002). GPA: 3.903/4
  5. B.A. cum laude, Linguistics, University of Maryland (conferred May 23, 2002). GPA: 3.903/4
  6. Citation in Honors Humanities, University of Maryland (conferred October 2000).
  7. Сертификат [Certificate], Факультет русского языка как иностранного [Faculty of Russian as a Foreign Language] (now Институт русского языка как иностранного [Institute of Russian as a Foreign Language]), Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А. И. Герцена [Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia] (conferred August 2000). Obtained through the Russian Language and Area Studies Program (RLASP) (now Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies Program (RLASP)) of the American Councils for International Education.


Title Rank Institution
Project Director for Johns Hopkins University for the UCSF-JHU Opioid Industry Documents Archive (July 28, 2022 – ). [job description]
  • Serve as chief of staff to project executive, providing subject-matter expertise on industry trends in library and archival practice. Remotely lead a team of archivists, a librarian, a postdoc, software developers, and faculty from Johns Hopkins University contributing to a collaborative effort with University of California, San Francisco to publicly disclose millions of documents arising from the opioid industry.
  • Supervise core team members (up to 4.5 FTE), plus others with partial effort supported by the project. Encourage integration of IT-based scalable workflows into manual work. Monitor work of and coordinate collaboration with software engineers at partner institution.
  • Articulate a vision for supporting data science methods on a digital archive to reach new audiences and serve new user needs. Develop partnerships and recruit staff to build the tools necessary to implement this. Collaborate with software architect to explore use of AI models to increase access to an archive of millions of documents.
  • Track budget spending and time of core team members working on a digital archive. Scrutinize budget forecasts.
  • Supervise team members engaged in redaction of documents and quality control of third-party redactions on millions of documents to comply with personal privacy legislation.
  • Contribute to narratives and budget proposals for seeking funding from agencies, foundations, and prosecutors.
  • Seek partnerships with industry and academic experts who can contribute to making the documents more accessible, discoverable, and usable.
Project Director (July 28, 2022 – ) The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Assistant Dean for Scholarly Communication (January 1, 2016 – July 27, 2022). [latest job description, previous job description]
  • Led UNT Libraries Scholarly Communication Office, whose staff operated the UNT Libraries Scholarly Publishing Services, consulted on copyright, and supported consulting on management of research data.
  • Led unit (up to 6 FTE) within Public Services Division whose members served primarily as subject librarians and provide research support for graduate students and faculty (2020 – ).
  • Fostered the creation of publications about the unique collections of the UNT Libraries (through 2017).
  • Supported members of the UNT community in their publishing endeavors through an Editors' Roundtable (through Fall 2016), through collected online resources, and through individual consultations.
  • Provided guidance on creating data-management plans (through September 2016).
  • Chaired the UNT Libraries Scholarly Communication Transformation Workgroup (through July 2017).
  • Led organization of UNT's annual Open Access Symposium (2016 – ).
  • Provided guidance on creating data-management plans (through September 2016).
  • Served on the Library Dean's Council.
  • Served as subject librarian for the Department of Linguistics, for the Intensive English Language Institute, for ONCAMPUS Texas (December 2017 – May 2019), and for the Toulouse Graduate School's master's programs in interdisciplinary studies and in data analytics (beginning January 2019).
  • Provided copyright advisory services to the UNT community in cooperation with the Business Librarian (beginning September 2018).
  Associate Librarian (May 12, 2014 – ) University of North Texas Libraries
Interim Head of Library Research Support Services (April 1, 2019 –  December 31, 2019).
  • Lead unit within Public Services Division whose staff serve primarily as subject librarians and provide research support for graduate students and faculty.
Interim Copyright Librarian (July 4, 2018 – August 31, 2018).
  • Provided individual consultation (but not legal advice) on copyright law to members of the community.
  • Presented to faculty and students on copyright, fair use, and related issues.
Interim Copyright Librarian (January 28, 2017 – May 31, 2017).
  • Provided individual consultation (but not legal advice) on copyright law to members of the community.
  • Presented to faculty and students on copyright, fair use, and related issues.
Director for Academic Publishing Transformation (September 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015).
  • Provided guidance on creating data-management plans.
  • Chaired the UNT Libraries Scholarly Communication Transformation Workgroup and otherwise led the Libraries’ advocacy on open access.
  • Continued performing duties related to library publishing from previous role.
Director of Library Publishing (May 12, 2014 – August 31, 2015). [job description]
Director of Publishing Operations (May 1, 2013 – April 3, 2014). Responsible for copyediting, typesetting, graphic design, digital content conversion, and relationships with order fulfillment vendors for Michigan Publishing.
  • Oversaw a team (12.375 FTE) who coordinated copyediting, conversion to XML, layout/typesetting, and graphic design for the University of Michigan Press brand, who converted content for various Michigan Publishing imprints into standard formats for ingest into DLXS and HathiTrust, and who managed relationships with fulfillment vendors.
  • Took responsibility for Michigan Publishing's relations with order fulfillment vendors.
  • Harmonized workflows across Michigan Publishing imprints to improve efficiency.
  • Coordinated development of mPach, a software package for publishing journals in HathiTrust.
Senior Associate Librarian (January 1, 2011 – April 3, 2014) University of Michigan Library  
Head of Publishing Production (September 3, 2012 – April 30, 2013). Responsible for copyediting, typesetting, graphic design, and digital content conversion operations for MPublishing [job description].
  • Oversaw a team (15.025 FTE downsized to 10.075 FTE) who performed copyediting, conversion to XML, layout/typesetting, and graphic design for the University of Michigan Press brand and who converted content into standard formats for ingest into DLXS and HathiTrust for various MPublishing imprints.
  • Harmonized workflows across MPublishing imprints to improve efficiency.
  • Coordinated development of mPach, a software package for publishing journals in HathiTrust.
Head, Digital Publishing Production (August 1, 2010 – September 2, 2012). Responsible for UM Library-based publishing digitization and document format conversion operations of MPublishing [job description].
  • Coordinated development of mPach, a software package for publishing journals in HathiTrust (beginning August 2011).
  • Coordinated with Publishing Services, Outreach, & Strategic Development and with Publishing Technology Group to establish sustainable content intake and workflow.
  • Coordinated closely with the digital production activities at the University of Michigan Press with the goal of creating the greatest possible efficiency in all MPublishing activities.
  • Managed digital content normalization and workflow design.
  • Researched and recommended the adoption and use of standards and tools.
  • Negotiated and managed relationships with internal and external business services.
  • Managed continuing relationships with publishing partners.
  • Participated in MPublishing management and planning.
  • Supervised a growing staff (up to 4.5 FTE).
Associate Librarian (January 1, 2008 – December 31, 2010)  
Electronic Publishing Librarian (February 23, 2004 – July 31, 2010). Responsible for several areas of the work of the Scholarly Publishing Office [job description].
  • Maintained the Scholarly Publishing Office's standardized workflow for the conversion of born-digital scholarly literature (and some literature reformatted from print) to standard file formats (XML and TIFF) for long-term preservation and output in various media.
  • Managed digital publishing projects.
  • Created documentation.
  • Trained and supervised student workers (2006–2010) and salaried staff (beginning in 2009).
  • Led the development of standard contracts with publishing partners and for use between publishing partners and authors.
  • Staffed the Hatcher Graduate Library Information and Reference Center (August 2007–August 2009).
Visiting Metadata Manager (August 17–28, 2009, December 1, 2009 – May 14, 2010).
  • Assisted humanities scholars in establishing metadata schemes and project workflows.
  • Developed a common-denominator metadata schema for use as the indexing scheme for a discovery interface for content in a repository of digital humanities content; mapped content to this schema.
  • Taught workshops on project management, TEI, and digital publishing.
Digital Humanities Observatory, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Éire [Ireland].
  Assistant Librarian (February 23, 2004 – December 31, 2007)  
Graduate Assistant (August 2003–February 2004) Slavic Digital (Projects) Assistant (May 2003–February 2004) Graduate Assistant Pre-professional Graduate Assistant Publications Office (now Communications Office), Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now School of Information Sciences), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Slavic and East European Library, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Graduate Assistant (August 2002–May 2003)
  • Provided technical support to faculty, students, and staff of GSLIS.
  • Managed audio feed for webcasts of distance-education courses.
Graduate Assistant Instructional Technology Office (ITO) (now Help Desk), Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now School of Information Sciences), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Program Assistant (February 2001–August 2002)   Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), University of Maryland

Refereed Publications

  1. Kevin S. Hawkins and Julie Judkins, "Formulating a Scalable Approach to Patron-Requested Digitization in Archives." Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, vol. 5, no. 1 (2021), pp. 1–11 [publisher version (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  2. Warren Burggren, Dilip K. Madasu, Kevin S. Hawkins, and Martin Halbert, "Marketing Via Email Solicitation by Predatory (and Legitimate) Journals: An Evaluation of Quality, Frequency and Relevance." Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, vol. 6, no. "General Issue" (2018), pp. "eP2246" [publisher version (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  3. Michelle Dalmau and Kevin S. Hawkins, "'Reports of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated': Findings from the TEI in Libraries Survey." Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, no. 8 (2014–2015) [preprint (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), publisher version].
  4. Kevin S. Hawkins, "The Evolution of Publishing Agreements at the University of Michigan Library." Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, vol. 2, no. 4 (2014) [publisher version, copy in UNT Scholarly Works]. Republished in Getting the Word Out: Academic Libraries as Scholarly Publishers, ed. Maria Bonn and Mike Furlough (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015), pp. 113–118 [local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  5. Kevin S. Hawkins, "A Model for Integrating the Publication and Preservation of Journal Articles," Russian Digital Libraries Journal, vol. 17, no. 2 (April 30, 2014) [preprint, publisher version].
  6. John Burns and Kevin S. Hawkins, "Providing next-generation tools for scholars: JSTOR's Advanced Technology Research group," International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, vol. 4, no. 1–2 (October 2010), pp. 141–149 [publisher version (local copy)].

Invited Publications

  1. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Supporting Use of Computational Methods on the Opioid Industry Documents." The Institute for Data-intensive Engineering and Science 2024 Annual Review, pp. 38–39.
  2. Kevin S. Hawkins, "The Evolution of Publishing Agreements at the University of Michigan Library." Getting the Word Out: Academic Libraries as Scholarly Publishers, ed. Maria Bonn and Mike Furlough (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015), pp. 113–118 [local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works]. First published in the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, vol. 2, no. 4 [publisher version, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  3. Kevin S. Hawkins, "How We Pay for Publishing." Against the Grain, vol. 26, no. 6 (2014–2015), pp. 35–36 [preprint (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), publisher version, archived version].
  4. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Promoting Diversity and Sustainability in the Scholarly Publishing Ecosystem: The University of Michigan's MPublishing Redefines the Role of Libraries in Publishing." Educational Technology, vol. 52, no. 6 (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications, 2012), pp. 8–10 [preprint].
  5. Хокинс К. Научная библиотека как издательство : опыт Мичиганского университета (США) // Вестник Пермского университета. Серия История. Выпуск 3 (10) 2009. С. 119–122. ►K. Hawkins, "The Academic Library as Publisher: the Experience of the University of Michigan (USA)" Bulletin of Perm University. History Series. vol. 3, no. 10 (2009), pp. 119–122 [copy of publisher version].
  6. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Frequently Asked Questions and Selected Resources on Cyrillic Multilingual Computing." Slavic & East European Information Resources (SEEIR), vol. 6, no. 2/3 (Binghamton, NY: Haworth, 2005), pp. 3–21 [publisher version (local copy), article website].

Editor-reviewed publications

  1. Kevin Scott Hawkins, "Creating a Library Publishing Program for Scholarly Books: Your Options Are Limited." Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, vol. 7, no. "General Issue" (alternatively "1") (2019), pp. "eP2262" [publisher version (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].

Journal Issues

  1. Kevin S. Hawkins, ed., Standards. Vol. 14, no. 1 (Summer 2011) of Journal of Electronic Publishing.
  2. Syd Bauman, Kevin Hawkins, and Malte Rehbein, eds., Selected Papers from the 2008 and 2009 TEI Conferences. No. 1 (June 2011) of Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative.


  1. Anisava Miltenova, Victor Baranov, Heinz Miklas, Kevin Hawkins, and Jürgen Fuchsbauer, eds., Digital and Analytical Approaches to the Written Heritage: Proceedings of the 7th international conference El'Manuscript „Text Heritage and Information Technologies“, 2018. Sofia: Gutenberg Publishing House, 2019 [electronic copy].
  2. English editor of: El’Manuscript–2016. Rašytinis palikimas ir skaitmeninės technologijos: VI tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija, Vilnius, 2016 m. rugpjūčio 22–28 d. Pranešimai / ats. red. V. Baranovas, Т. Timčenko. — Vilnius; Iževskas, 2016. — 370 p. ►English editor of: V. Baranovas and T. Timčenko, eds. Textual Heritage and Information Technologies: The Sixth International Conference, Vilnius, August 22–28, 2016. Reports. (Vilnius and Izhevsk, 2016), 370 pp. [electronic copy].
  3. Kevin Hawkins and Anna Pechenina, "Transcript and Translation of Sci-Hub Presentation". July 2016.
  4. English editor of: Писменото наследство и информационните технологии [Текст] : материали от V международна науч. конф. (Варна, 15–20 септември 2014 г.) / отг. ред. В. А. Баранов, Веселка Желязкова, А. М. Лаврентьев. ― София ; Ижевск, 2014. ― 448 с. ►English editor of: V. A. Baranov, Veselka Zheliazkova, A. M. Lavrentiev, eds. Written Heritage and Information Technology: Materials from the Fifth International Scientific Conference (Varna, September 15–20, 2014) (Sofia and Izhevsk, 2014), 448 pp. [preprint].
  5. English editor of: Современные информационные технологии и письменное наследие: от древних текстов к электронным библиотекам [Текст] : материалы Междунар. науч. конф. (Казань, 26–30 августа 2008 г.) / отв. ред. В. Д. Соловьев, В. А. Баранов. — Казань : Изд-во Казан. гос. ун-та, 2008. — 276 с. ►English editor of: V. D. Solov'ev and V. A. Baranov, eds. Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage: From Ancient Texts to Electronic Libraries: Materials from the International Scientific Conference (Kazan, August 26–30, 2008) (Kazan: Izdatel’stvo Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2008), 276 pp.

Book Reviews

  1. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Book Review: Modern Language Association of America. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing." In Journal of Electronic Publishing, vol. 11, no. 2 (Spring 2008) [preprint, publisher version].
  2. Kevin S. Hawkins, Review of: John V. Richardson, Anglo-russkii slovar’ po bibliotechnoi i informatsionnoi deiatel’nosti [Англо-русский словарь по библиотечной и информационной деятельности] (The English-Russian Dictionary of Library and Information Terminology). Saint Petersburg [Санкт-Петербург]: Izdatel’stvo «Professiia» [Издательство «Профессия»], 2005. 272 p. ISBN: 5939130836. In Slavic & East European Information Resources (SEEIR), vol. 8, no. 1 (Binghamton, NY: Haworth, 2007), pp. 121–122 [preprint, publisher version].

Standards, Guidelines, & Best Practices

  1. Kevin Hawkins, Michelle Dalmau, Elli Mylonas, and Syd Bauman, eds., Best Practices for TEI in Libraries. Version 4.0.0 (September 2018).
  2. Kevin Hawkins, Michelle Dalmau, and Syd Bauman, eds., Best Practices for TEI in Libraries. Version 3.0 (October 2011).


  1. Kevin S. Hawkins, Introduction to the TEI Header. 2014.
  2. Kevin S. Hawkins, Introduction to XML for Text. 2011.


  1. *Kevin Hawkins, "Broadening access to books on Texas and Oklahoma: Final report, best practices, and lessons learned" (March 20, 2020) [copy in UNT Digital Library].
  2. Brian O'Leary and Kevin Hawkins, "Exploring Open Access Ebook Usage." (Book Industry Study Group, May 6, 2019) [copy in Humanities Commons, local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  3. *Kevin Hawkins, "Report on the pilot phase of the UNT Libraries Scholarly Publishing Services" (June 17, 2015) [copy in UNT Digital Library].
  4. *Kevin S. Hawkins, "Plan for implementing a uniform content ingestion system for SPO" (December 9, 2007) [copy in Deep Blue Documents, local copy].
  5. *Kevin S. Hawkins, "Plan for an Improved Infrastructure for the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d’Alembert: Collaborative Translation Project" (November 21, 2007, revised August 12, 2008) [copy in Deep Blue Documents, local copy].
  6. *Kevin S. Hawkins, "A comparison of persistent identifier systems for SPO" (August 2, 2007) [copy in Deep Blue Documents, local copy].
  7. *Kevin S. Hawkins, "Choice of DocEncodingType and encoding level for SPO publications" (May 29, 2007, revised August 11, 2008) [copy in Deep Blue Documents, local copy].
  8. *Kevin S. Hawkins, "Plan for implementing a web-based unified bibliographic database for SPO publications" (May 11, 2007) [copy in Deep Blue Documents, local copy].
  9. *Kevin S. Hawkins, "Specifications for implementing web feeds in DLXS" (April 30, 2007) [copy in Deep Blue Documents, local copy].
  10. *Kevin S. Hawkins, "Proposals for a New Workflow for Level-4 Content" (February 13, 2006) [copy in Deep Blue Documents, local copy].

Refereed Workshops

  1. Participant, "Collecting and analyzing usage data for online scholarly publications." Team project at 2015 Scholarly Communication Institute (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, October 11–15, 2015) [blog post about proposal].

Refereed Presentations

  1. *Brian Wingenroth, Kevin S. Hawkins, and Richard N. Leigh, "Organizing millions of documents using LLMs: The case of the UCSF-JHU Opioid Industry Documents Archive". Presentation at LLMs for Library Info Organization (LLM4Cat) workshop held in conjunction with iConference 2025 (Bloomington, Indiana, March 20, 2025) [paper].
  2. *Chris Shaffer, Anne Seymour, and Kevin Hawkins, "New ways to engage users and provide access to primary source documents arising from the opioid industry". Presentation at MLA '24 (Portland, Oregon, May 18–21, 2024) [slides].
  3. *Kevin Hawkins, "Alternatives to Searching and Browsing a Massive Collection of Documents: The Case of the Opioid Industry Documents Archive." Presentation at Keystone DH 2023 (Baltimore, Maryland, June 16–17, 2023) [slides].
  4. *Kevin Hawkins, Rebecca Welzenbach, and Niels Stern, "From usage reporting to OA analytics: How OA usage data is transforming scholarly communications decision-making across publishers and libraries". Presentation at 2021 Charleston Library Conference (Charleston, South Carolina, November 1–5, 2021).
  5. *Christina Drummond, Kevin Hawkins, Rebecca Welzenbach, and Brian O'Leary, "Observations from Piloting a Global OA eBook Usage Data Trust: Lessons Learned and What's Next." Presentation at 14th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries (November 2–4, 2021).
  6. Kevin Hawkins and Christina Drummond, "Help Build It: Press Needs for an eBook Usage Data Trust for Reporting and Visualization." Collaboration lab at AUPresses 2021: Virtual Annual Meeting (June 7–18, 2021).
  7. R. Phillip Reynolds, Kevin Hawkins, and Kathy Essmiller, "Trial and Error: The Cruel Taskmaster of the Librarian as Publisher." Panel presentation at 41st SSP Annual Meeting (San Diego, California, May 29–31, 2019) [my slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  8. Rick Anderson, Kevin Hawkins, Doug Dechow, and Agata Morka, "Metrics of Success: How to Measure the Impact of OA Books." Panel presentation at 41st SSP Annual Meeting (San Diego, California, May 29–31, 2019) [my slides].
  9. Justin White, Colleen Lyon, Camille Thomas, Bruce Herbert, Kevin Hawkins, and Kristi Park, "The State of Open Access in Texas Institutions." Panel presentation at 2019 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL 2019) (Austin, Texas, May 20–23, 2019) [my slides with speaker notes (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  10. Kyle K. Courtney, Will Cross, Christine Fruin, Kevin Hawkins, and Carla Myers, "Library Publishing and Copyright: Common Questions and Answers." Panel presentation at Library Publishing Forum 2019 (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 8–10, 2019).
  11. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Building a Trusted Framework for Coordinating OA Monograph Usage Data." Paper presented on panel "Understanding Usage" at Library Publishing Forum 2019 (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 8–10, 2019) [slides with speaker notes (local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works), video].
  12. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Building a Trusted Framework for Coordinating OA Monograph Usage Data." Presentation at CNI Spring 2019 Membership Meeting (St. Louis, Missouri, April 8–9, 2019) [slides with speaker notes (local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works), recording on Vimeo, recording on YouTube (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  13. Kevin Hawkins, Brian O'Leary, Katherine Skinner, and Charles Watkinson, "Understanding Open Access Ebook Usage: Toward a Common Framework." Neapolitan session presented at 2018 Charleston Conference: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition (Charleston, South Carolina, November 5–9, 2018) [slides (copy on conference website, local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works), video].
  14. Kevin Hawkins, "The OA2020 Expression of Interest." Lightning talk presented at Cross Timbers Library Collaborative Conference 2018 (Denton, Texas, August 10, 2018) [slides (local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  15. Panelist, "Approaches to Tracking the Impacts of Library- and Press-published Monographs," Library Publishing Forum 2018 (Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 21–23, 2018) [slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), video (starts at 2:50)].
  16. Kevin Hawkins, "A Campus-based Author-pays OA Publishing Service." Paper presented on panel "Managing Open Access—Workflows and Pain Points" at NFAIS 2017 Open Access Conference "Open Access and Beyond" (Alexandria, Virginia, October 2–3, 2017) [abstract, slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  17. Kevin S. Hawkins, "A Cooperative for Big Data in Scholarly Publishing." Lightning talk presented at PKP 2017 International Scholarly Publishing Conference (Montréal [Montreal], Québec [Quebec], Canada, August 2–4, 2017) [abstract (local copy), slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), video].
  18. Kevin S. Hawkins, "A Cooperative for Big Data in Scholarly Publishing." Paper presented at Data Power 2017 (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 22–23, 2017) [abstract, slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), video of presentation (starts at 17:40)].
  19. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Aquiline Books at UNT: A Progress Report." Lightning talk presented at Texas Conference on Institutional Repositories (TCIR) (Dallas, Texas, June 2, 2017) [abstract, slides (local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  20. Julie Judkins and Kevin S. Hawkins, "Enabling Scholarly Annotation Using Open Frameworks for the Web." Textual Heritage and Information Technologies (El'Manuscript-2016) (Vilnius, Lietuvos Respublika [Republic of Lithuania], August 22–28, 2016) [slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), handout (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  21. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Achieving Financial Sustainability: Are We Asking the Wrong Questions?". Paper presented at Libraries as Publishers: Building a Global Community (Ann Arbor, August 10–12, 2016) [abstract, slides with speaker notes (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)]. Speaker notes published in the Journal of Electronic Publishing, vol. 20, no. 2 [preprint, publisher version (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  22. Kevin Hawkins, Joyce Chapman, Christina Drummond, Sarah Melton, Lucy Montgomery, Cameron Neylon, and Katherine Skinner, "The Publishing Analytics Data Alliance." Poster presented at FORCE2016 (Portland, Oregon, April 17–19, 2016) [poster, copy on figshare, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  23. Kevin S. Hawkins, "A For-Fee Library-Based Publishing Service: Eagle Editions at the University of North Texas Libraries." Poster presented at CTLC 2015 Conference (Commerce, Texas, August 7, 2015) [poster, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  24. Kevin Hawkins, "The Variable Fee Structure for Eagle Editions." Poster presented at Library Publishing Forum 2015 (Portland, Oregon, March 29–30, 2015) [poster, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  25. Kevin Hawkins, "A For-Fee Library-Based Publishing Service." Poster presented at ACRL 2015 (Portland, Oregon, March 25–28, 2015) [abstract, poster, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  26. Kevin S. Hawkins, "A For-Fee Scholarly Publishing Service Based in the Library." Presentation to the ALCTS Scholarly Communications Interest Group at the 2015 ALA Midwinter Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, January 31, 2015) [abstract (local copy), slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  27. Kevin S. Hawkins, "A Model for Integrating the Publication and Preservation of Journal Articles." Paper presented at Digital Preservation 2014 (Washington, D.C., July 22–24, 2014) [abstract, slides (corrected version)].
  28. Kevin S. Hawkins, "A Model for Integrating the Publication and Preservation of Journal Articles." Paper presented at Open Repositories 2014 (Helsinki/Helsingfors, Suomen tasavalta/Republiken Finland [Republic of Finland], June 9–13, 2014) [proposal including abstract, slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works, local copy), video of session (starts at 49:18)].
  29. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Automated Creation of Analytic Catalog Records for Born-digital Journal Articles." Paper presented at NASIG 29th Annual Conference: Taking Stock and Taming New Frontiers (Fort Worth, Texas, May 1–4, 2014) [abstract, slides (local copy), handout (local copy)]. Published in The Serials Librarian, vol. 68, no. 1–4 (2015), pp. 299–306 [preprint (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), published version].
  30. Seth Johnson, Bryan Smith, and Kevin S. Hawkins. "mPach: Integrated Publishing and Archiving of Journals in HathiTrust." Paper presented at JATS-Con 2013(4) (Bethesda, Maryland, April 1–2, 2014) [slides (copy on HathiTrust website, local copy), video of presentation] and published in Journal Article Tag Suite Conference (JATS-Con) Proceedings 2013/2014 (Bethesda, Maryland: National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2013) [XML preprint of paper, paper in proceedings]. Earlier version presented at Impromptu JATS Users Group Meeting (Washington, D.C., October 22, 2013) [slides, slides on HathiTrust website].
  31. Kevin S. Hawkins, Jeremy Morse, and Rebecca Welzenbach. "HathiTrust As Your Publishing Platform." Poster presented at Library Publishing Forum 2014 (Kansas City, Missouri, March 5–6, 2014) [poster].
  32. Hawkins Kevin S. A model for integrating the publication and preservation of journal articles // Электронные библиотеки: перспективные методы и технологии, электронные коллекции = Digital libraries: advanced methods and technologies, digital collections : XV всероссийская научная конференция RCDL'2013, Ярославль, 14–17 октября 2013 года, труды конференции. / [сост. В. Н. Смирнов и С. А. Ступников] — Ярославль: ЯрГУ, 2013. — С. 247–251. ►Kevin S. Hawkins, "A Model for Integrating the Publication and Preservation of Journal Articles", Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: XV All-Russian Scientific Conference RCDL'2013: Yaroslavl, October 14–17, 2013: Proceedings of the Conference, ed. V. N. Smirnov and S. A. Stupnikov (Yaroslavl: Yaroslavskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. P. G. Demidova, 2013) pp. 247–251. Paper presented at conference Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections (Ярославль [Yaroslavl], Ярославская область [Yaroslavl Oblast], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], October 14–17, 2013) [preprint, paper on conference website, paper on HathiTrust website, slides (local copy)]. Republished as: Kevin S. Hawkins, "A Model for Integrating the Publication and Preservation of Journal Articles," RCDL 2013: Russian Conference on Digital Libraries: Selected Papers of the 15th All-Russian Scientific Conference "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections". Vol-1108 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 112–116 [whole volume on publisher website].
  33. Michelle Dalmau and Kevin S. Hawkins, "'Reports of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated': Findings from the TEI in Libraries Study." Paper presented on panel "TEI Use and Pedagogy" at TEI Conference and Members Meeting 2013 "The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web" (Roma [Rome], Repubblica italiana [Italian Republic], October 2–5, 2013) [abstract (local copy), slides, survey data]. Abstract published in: Fabio Ciotti and Arianna Ciula, eds. The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web: Abstracts of the TEI Conference and Members Meeting 2013: October 2–5, Rome (Rome: DIGILAB Sapienza University & TEI Consortium, 2013), pp. 19–23.
  34. Kevin S. Hawkins, "mPach: Publishing Directly in HathiTrust." Presentation during session "Establishing Infrastructures for Scholarly Publishing", CNI Fall 2012 Membership Meeting (Washington, D.C., December 10–12, 2012) [slides, slides on HathiTrust website, local copy].
  35. Jeremy Morse and Kevin Hawkins, "mPach: Publishing Directly in HathiTrust." Paper presented at 2012 DLF Forum (Denver, Colorado, November 3–5, 2012) [abstract, slides on Slideshare, slides on HathiTrust website, local copy].
  36. Michelle Dalmau and Kevin S. Hawkins, "Do You TEI? A Survey of TEI Practices in Libraries." Poster presented at 2012 DLF Forum (Denver, Colorado, November 3–5, 2012). [poster on SlideShare, local copy].
  37. Emily Arkin, Marjorie Fowler, Tom Elrod, Jake Furbush, and Kevin Hawkins, "XML for University Press Publishing". Workshop presented at AAUP 2012: Igniting the Future! (Chicago, Illinois, June 18–20, 2012) [encoding exercise].
  38. Dena Goodman and Kevin Hawkins, "The Encyclopedia of Diderot and D'Alembert Collaborative Translation Project". Paper presented at Come Together: Digital Collaboration in the Academy and Beyond (Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 11–13, 2012).
  39. Kevin Hawkins, Michelle Dalmau, and Melanie Schlosser. "Best Practices for TEI in Libraries." Poster presented at 2011 DLF Forum (Baltimore, Maryland, October 31 – November 2, 2011) [poster on SlideShare, local copy].
  40. Kevin Hawkins, Michelle Dalmau, and Melanie Schlosser. "Best Practices for TEI in Libraries." Poster presented at Philology in the Digital Age: 2011 Annual Conference and Members' Meeting of the TEI Consortium (Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Deutschland [Germany], October 10—16, 2011) [poster].
  41. Kevin Hawkins and Rebecca Welzenbach, "Creating Digital Scholarly Editions: An Introduction to the Text Encoding Initative (TEI)". Workshop presented at Great Lakes THATCamp 2011 (East Lansing, Michigan, April 29, 2011) [workshop materials archived in Deep Blue Documents].
  42. Kevin Scott Hawkins, Participant in roundtable discussion "(13-26) Taking Slavic Studies Journals Online: Easy Options for Going Digital Without Breaking the Bank," 42nd Annual Convention of ASEEES (Los Angeles, California, November 18–21, 2010) [handout].
  43. Хокинс К., Йорк Д. Коллективный репозитарий HathiTrust как хранитель и распространитель всемирной книжной культуры // Румянцевские чтения — 2010 = The Rumyantsev readings — 2010 : материалы Международной научной конференции (20–22 апреля 2010) = international scientific conference proceedings (April 20–22, 2010) / [сост. М. Е. Ермакова]. — М. : Пашков дом, 2010. — С. 202–208. ►Kevin Hawkins and Jeremy York, "The HathiTrust Shared Digital Repository: Preservation and Access to the World's Print Culture", The Rumyantsev Readings — 2010: International Scientific Conference Proceedings (April 20–22, 2010), ed. M. E. Ermakova. (Moscow: Paskhov dom, 2010) pp. 202–208. Paper accepted to conference «Румянцевские чтения 2010: Вехи истории России в зеркале книжной культуры. Историческая память народа: из прошлого к будущему» ["Rumyantsev Readings 2010: Milestones in Russian History Mirrored in Print Culture. Historical Memory of the People: From the Past to the Future"] (Москва [Moscow], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], April 20–22, 2010) [preprint, copy on HathiTrust website, English translation on HathiTrust website].
  44. Michelle Dalmau, Melanie Schlosser, and Kevin S. Hawkins. "TEI Text Encoding in Libraries." Bird-of-a-feather session at the DLF Spring Forum 2009 (Raleigh, North Carolina, May 5, 2009).
  45. Kevin Scott Hawkins, "Long-term Preservation versus Innovation: The Challenge for Producers of Digital Content." Paper presented on panel "(1-46) Creating East European and Eurasian Digital Repositories: Archiving for Preservation and Access," 40th National Convention of AAASS (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 20–23, 2008) [paper].
  46. Kevin S. Hawkins, "FRBR Group 1 Entities and the TEI Guidelines." Paper presented at 2008 TEI Annual Members Meeting "TEI: Supporting Cultural Heritage Research" (London, England, United Kingdom, November 6–8, 2008) [abstract (local copy), paper, slides, handout].
  47. Хокинс К. С. Импликатура атрибутов в ER-модели «Функциональных требований к библиографическим записям» ►Kevin S. Hawkins, "Entailment of Entities and Implicature of Attributes in the FRBR Model." Paper presented at conference Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage: From Ancient Texts to Electronic Libraries (El'Manuscript-08) (Казань/Казан [Kazan], Республика Татарстан/Татарстан Республикасы [Republic of Tatarstan], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], August 25–30, 2008) [abstract in English with annotation in Russian (corrected version), paper in English, paper in Russian, slides in English, handout].
  48. Kevin Hawkins, "Scalable electronic publishing in a university library", Open Scholarship: Authority, Community and Sustainability in the Age of Web 2.0 (Leslie Chan and Susanne Mornatti, eds.) 2008, p. 421. Poster presented at the 12th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (June 25–27, 2008) [poster, abstract in ELPUB Digital Library, abstract, handout (website)].
  49. Kevin Hawkins, "Copyright Issues in Open Access Publishing for Slavic Studies." Paper presented on panel "(H-01) Copyright and the Changing Arena of Scholarly Communication in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies," 39th National Convention of AAASS (New Orleans, Louisiana, November 15–18, 2007) [paper, handout].
  50. Хокинс К. Научная библиотека как издательство: опыт Мичиганского университета (США) // Румянцевские чтения = The Rumyantsev readings : материалы Международной научной конференции (10-12 апреля 2007) = international scientific conference proceedings (April 10—12, 2007) / [редкол. вып. Л. Н. Тихонова — сост. и др.]. — М. : Пашков дом, 2007. — С. 367–372. ►Kevin Hawkins, "The Academic Library as Publisher: the Experience of the University of Michigan (USA), The Rumyantsev Readings: International Scientific Conference Proceedings (April 10—12, 2007) (Moscow: Pashkov dom, 2007) pp. 367–3372. Paper accepted to conference «Румянцевские чтения 2007: Издатели – библиотеки – читатели в системе научной коммуникации. Вызовы эпохи Интернет» ["Rumyantsev Readings 2007: Publishers, Libraries, and Readers in the System of Scholarly Communication: The Call of the Internet Era"] (Москва [Moscow], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], April 10–12, 2007) [paper (with abstract in English), local copy].
  51. Kevin Hawkins, "The Peaceful Coexistence of Print and Digital Media, with Special Consideration of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies." Paper presented at Session IVB: Digital Applications: Future Developments of 2006 Fisher Forum: Book Arts, Culture and Media in Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia: From Print to Digital (Urbana and Champaign, Illinois, June 17–18, 2006) [webpage].
  52. Kevin Hawkins, "What Slavic Librarians Need to Know about Revealing Hidden Gems: OAI-PMH versus Open WorldCat." Paper presented at panel "(H-04) Digitization: Practical Issues for Scholars and Libraries," 37th National Convention of AAASS (Salt Lake City, Utah, November 3–6, 2005) [handout (PDF), project website].
  53. Kevin Hawkins, "E-Text Resources for Scholars in the Humanities: History Resources, FEB, etc. (Hands-On)." Presentation at Pre-Conference Digital Resources Workshop 2005, 37th National Convention of AAASS (Salt Lake City, Utah, November 3–6, 2005) [webpage].
  54. Kevin S. Hawkins, "From the Bibliographic Stream to the Bibliographic Ocean." Poster presented at Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2005 (Dubrovnik and Mljet, Hrvatska [Croatia], May 30–June 3, 2005) [revised abstract, corrected poster, project website].
  55. Hawkins, K. Libraries as publishers : increasing access to scholarly literature // Цензура и доступ к информации : история и современность. Тезисы докладов международной научной конференции. СПб., 2005. С. 115. ►Kevin Hawkins, "Libraries as Publishers: Increasing Access to Scholarly Literature", Censorship and Access to Information: Past and Present. Abstracts of Papers from the International Scientific Conference (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2005) p. 115 Paper presented at Цензура и доступ к информации: история и современность [Censorship and Access to Information: the Past and Present] (Российская национальная библиотека [National Library of Russia], Санкт-Петербург [St. Petersburg], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], March 16–18, 2005) [corrected abstract, preprint].
  56. Kevin Hawkins and Jason Kuznicki, "Engaging the User: The 'Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert: Collaborative Translation Project' and New Scholarly Paradigms." Presentation at Digital Library Federation Fall Forum 2004 (Baltimore, Maryland, October 25–27, 2004) [abstract; speaker notes (local copy)].
  57. Kevin Hawkins and Allen Renear, "Theoretical Issues in Text Encoding: A Critical Review." Poster presented at ALLC/ACH 2004: the Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association for Computers and the Humanities (Göteborg [Gothenburg], Sverige [Sweden], June 11–16, 2004) [poster HTML, poster PDF].

Invited Presentations

  1. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Supporting use of computational methods on the Opioid Industry Documents Archive." Presentation as part of "Analyzing the Archive: Working with Data from Text, Audio, and Video", a session during Love Data Week 2024 (Johns Hopkins Libraries, February 16, 2024) [slides, recording].
  2. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Prepare to Share." Presentation as part of Pub101, an online course from the Open Education Network (February 24, 2021, and May 25, 2022) [slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), video from 2021 (starts at 15:49), video from 2022 (starts at 14:44)].
  3. *Kevin Hawkins and Christina Drummond, "OA eBook Usage (OAeBU) Data Trust." Presentation to the Open Access Committee of the Association of University Presses (AUPresses) (October 15, 2021).
  4. Cathy Rimer-Surles, Nicole Solano, and Kevin Hawkins, "Let's Talk About … Fair Use and Permissions." Panel discussion organized by the Intellectual Property & Copyright Committee of the Association of University Presses (AUPresses) (March 4, 2021) [recording].
  5. Kevin Hawkins, "So You Want to Print and Sell Open Textbooks?" Presentation at Open Textbook Network Summit 2020 (June 15–25, 2020) [slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), webinar recording (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  6. *John Simone and Kevin Hawkins, "How to Keep It Legal: Copyright and Trademark Compliance." Presentation as part of Getting Started (with Remote and/or) Online webinar series (Center for Learning, Experimentation, Application, and Research, University of North Texas, May 15, 2020) [webinar recording].
  7. *Maristella Feustle, Rebecca Geoffrey-Schwinden, Kevin Hawkins, and John Murphy, "First Chair Chat" on copyright policies and their impact on various parts of the music industry. Organized by the University of North Texas Libraries (May 7, 2020) [webinar recording].
  8. Melinda Boland, Kevin Hawkins, Patricia Mulroy, and Anita Young, "OER Hangout: Searching and Publishing in OER Repositories". Webinar offered by the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) (April 15, 2020) [webinar recording].
  9. *John Simone and Kevin Hawkins, "Copyright Compliance (UNT Libraries)." Presentation as part of Accessibility Lunch & Learn (Center for Learning, Experimentation, Application, and Research, University of North Texas, November 8, 2019).
  10. Brian Hawkins and Brian O'Leary, "Fireside Chat: Exploring Open Access eBook Usage." Presentation at Digital Book World 2019 (Nashville, Tennessee, September 11, 2019).
  11. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Building a Trusted Framework for Coordinating OA Monograph Usage Data." Presentation as part of 12th Annual NISO-BISG The Changing Standards Landscape Forum (Washington, D.C., June 21, 2019) [slides (local copy)].
  12. Brian O'Leary and Kevin Hawkins, "Understanding Open Access eBook Usage: Toward a Common Framework." Webinar offered by the Book Industry Study Group (May 21, 2019) [recording].
  13. Kevin Hawkins, "How Should You Publish?" Presentation as part of Building an Open Textbook Publishing Program webinar series (February 20, 2019) [slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), video (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  14. Guest panelist, Roundtable on Discovery and Impact for INFO 281-16: Seminar in Contemporary Issues – Scholarly Communication and Publishing: Access, Intellectual Property, and Impact, School of Information, San José State University (July 18, 2018).
  15. Panelist, "Journals Panel: Reaching Non-Traditional Audiences", 2018 AUPresses Annual Meeting (San Francisco, California, June 17–19, 2018).
  16. Kevin Hawkins, Lauren Kane, Nick Lindsay, and Ann Snoeyenbos, "Business Workshop: Evaluating New and Existing Revenue Streams". Journals Assembly pre-meeting workshop presented at 2018 AUPresses Annual Meeting (San Francisco, California, June 17–19, 2018) [slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), updated handout (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  17. Kevin S. Hawkins, "From Paying to Read to Paying to Publish: Is the Shift Inevitable?" International Open Access Week 2017, Southern Methodist University (October 26, 2017) [corrected slides with speaker notes (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  18. *Kevin Hawkins, "Broadening access to books on Texas and Oklahoma". Presentation during panel "Four Case Studies, Four Ways: Highlights from AAUP's Review of OA Projects", AAUP 2017 (Austin, Texas, June 11–13, 2017) [slides].
  19. Panelist, "The University Press in 2025," Texas Library Association 2017 Annual Conference (San Antonio, Texas, April 19–22, 2017).
  20. Kevin S. Hawkins, "The Case for a Publishing Analytics Data Alliance." Presentation during panel "Effecting Change in Scholarly Communication: Opportunities and Costs", Columbia University Libraries (New York, New York, November 21, 2016) [slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  21. Warren Burggren, Dilip Madasu, Kevin S. Hawkins, Jesse Hamner and Martin Halbert, "Evaluation of Online-Only Journal Quality from Analysis of Email Solicitations." Paper presented on panel "Perceptions of Open Access" at Open Access Symposium 2016: Open Access at the Tipping Point (Denton, Texas, May 19–20, 2016) [slides, video of session].
  22. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Rethinking How We Pay for Scholarly Monographs." Presentation to a meeting of the Southwest Area Theological Library Association (SWATLA) (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, October 2, 2015) [text of presentation, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  23. Kevin Hawkins, "Rethinking How We Pay for Scholarly Monographs." Keynote presentation during international symposium Reinventing University Publishing (Canberra, A.C.T., Australia, March 17–19, 2015) [abstract, text of presentation, copy in ANU Open Access Research, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  24. Kevin Hawkins and Daniel Alemneh, "The Evolving Landscape of Scholarly Communication: The Stakeholders' Roles in a Global Ecosystem." Panel discussion during University Partnerships Workshop (Denton, Texas, November 12–15, 2014) [slides in UNT Scholarly Works].
  25. Kevin S. Hawkins, "A For-Fee Publishing Service for the Local Community." Presentation during Amigos online conference "Libraries, Authors, and Publishing" (September 18, 2014) [slides, copy in UNT Scholarly Works, video of webinar].
  26. Panelist, "What are Libraries Doing as Publishers?", AAUP 2014 (New Orleans, Louisiana, June 22–24, 2014).
  27. *Kevin S. Hawkins, "Innovation and Sustainability in Digital Publishing". Presentation as part of panel "Publishing and Preserving OA Content" at Open Access Symposium 2014: The Business and Economics of Open Access (UNT Health Science Center, Fort Worth, Texas, May 19–20, 2014) [slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works), video of presentation].
  28. Guest speaker, LIS 590 AP: Publishing as an Information Profession, Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now School of Information Sciences), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (March 13, 2014).
  29. Co-leader (with Kevin Smith) of "Rights Agreements in Library Publishing" interactive session, Library Publishing Forum 2014 (Kansas City, Missouri, March 5–6, 2014) [speaker notes, slides].
  30. Kevin S. Hawkins, "What's the Text Encoding Initiative, and Why Does it Matter?" Conversation with Digital Humanities Collective (Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 25, 2013).
  31. Panelist, "Preserving Digital Editions: A Discussion of Challenges and Opportunities", 35th (2013) Annual Meeting of the Association for Documentary Editing (Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 11–13, 2013).
  32. Kevin S. Hawkins, "A Model for Integrating the Publication and Preservation of Journal Articles". Presentation at Texas A&M University (College Station, Texas, June 10, 2013) [abstract, slides].
  33. *Kevin Hawkins, presentation on Google Docs at Project Management Extravaganza (University Library, University of Michigan, June 6, 2013).
  34. *Kevin Hawkins, "Creating Digital Editions". Presentation during Library Lightning Talks as part of Exploring Humanities Cyberinfrastructure Symposium (University of Michigan, April 30–May 1, 2013) [slides].
  35. Kevin Hawkins, "mPach: Publishing Directly in HathiTrust". Presentation to Librarians' Forum, University Library, University of Michigan (February 20, 2013) [slides].
  36. Panelist, "OA Journals. What is it like to be an author, editor or peer reviewer for an OA journal?" and "OA Publishing: What does it take to get your own OA journal off the ground?", Open Access: Unlocking Your Data (Toledo, Ohio, October 23, 2012).
  37. Kevin S. Hawkins, "HathiTrust, MPublishing, and mPach: Digital Libraries and Digital Publishing at the University of Michigan". Presentation for Idea Exchange Meeting at American Theological Library Association (ATLA) (Chicago, Illinois, June 19, 2012) [slides].
  38. Dena Goodman and Kevin Hawkins, "The Encyclopedie Collaborative Translation Project". Presentation at Roots and Routes 2012: Translation, Mediation, and Circulation" (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 10, 2012).
  39. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Digital Curation of Text". Webinar delivered as part of "Conversations with..." speaker series sponsored by the ACRL Digital Curation Interest Group (now part of the Digital Scholarship Section) (March 15, 2012) [slides].
  40. Kevin Hawkins and Rebecca Welzenbach, "Creating Digital Scholarly Editions Using the TEI". Workshop presented at THATCamp Kansas 2011 (Lawrence, Kansas, September 22, 2011) [workshop materials archived in Deep Blue Documents].
  41. Kevin Hawkins, "e-Publishing for Postgrads". Seminar presented at National University of Ireland, Galway, Éire [Ireland], May 4, 2010 [slides, website].
  42. Hawkins K. S. and York J.J., Коллективный репозитарий HathiTrust как хранитель и распространитель всемирной книжной культуры. ►Kevin S. Hawkins and Jeremy J. York, "The HathiTrust Shared Digital Repository: Preservation and Access to the World's Culture". Paper accepted for conference Технические университеты: интеграция с европейскими и мировыми системами образования [Technical Universities: Integration with European and World Education Systems] (EQ'2010) (Ижевск [Izhevsk], Удмуртская Республика [Udmurt Republic], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], April 21–23, 2010) [preprint].
  43. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Creating a Digital Scholarly Edition of the British Library's Cotton MS. Vitellius F. v." Presentation at Digital Resources for the Humanities & Arts – Dynamic Networks of Knowledge and Practice: Contexts, Crises, and Futures (Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, September 7–9, 2009) [paper].
  44. Хокинс К., Галеев И. Х. «Проблемы открытого доступа к ресурсам Интернета». ►Kevin Hawkins and I. Kh. Galeev, "Problems of Open Access for Internet Resources". Roundtable discussion at Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage: From Ancient Texts to Electronic Libraries (El'Manuscript-08) (Казань/Казан [Kazan], Республика Татарстан/Татарстан Республикасы [Republic of Tatarstan], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], August 25–30, 2008).
  45. Kevin S. Hawkins and Miranda B. Remnek, "Text Encoding Initiative Workshop" [Школа «Text Encoding Initiative»]. Workshop given at Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage: From Ancient Manuscripts to Electronic Texts (El'Manuscript-06) (Ижевск [Izhevsk], Удмуртская Республика [Udmurt Republic], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], July 16, 2006) [website].
  46. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Creating a Digital Scholarly Edition of the British Library's Cotton MS. Vitellius F. v." Presentation at Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage: From Ancient Manuscripts to Electronic Texts (El'Manuscript-06) (Ижевск [Izhevsk], Удмуртская Республика [Udmurt Republic], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], July 14, 2006) [paper].
  47. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Union Catalog(ue)s in Western Libraries." Guest lecture at the ФГУК ГПИБ России [State Public Historical Library of Russia] (March 15, 2005) [webpage].
  48. Kevin S. Hawkins, "Libraries as Publishers: Intervening in the Information Lifecycle" [«Библиотеки как издатели: перемены в жизненном цикле информации»]. Guest lecture at the Клуб библиотекарей [Librarians' Club] at the American Center in Moscow [Американский центр, Москва] (March 4, 2005) [abstract, flyer (in Russian), slides (in English), slides (in Russian)].
  49. Guest speaker, LIS 590 EP: Electronic Publishing, Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now School of Information Sciences), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (October 28, 2004).

Unrefereed Presentations

  1. *Moderator, "Information Science" panel discussion, The Opioid Industry Documents Archive: A National Symposium (May 13–16, 2024).
  2. *Panelist, Grad School 101. Panel presentation organized by UNT Graduate Student Council and TWU Graduate Student Council (University of North Texas, October 26, 2021).
  3. *Kevin Hawkins, "LaTeX and Overleaf for Beginners." Workshop offered as part of Fall 2019 Professional Development Graduate Workshops of the Toulouse Graduate School (University of North Texas, October 9, 2019).
  4. Kevin Hawkins, "Encouraging Adoption, Adaptation, and Creation of OER at UNT." Presentation during "Open Education Texas: Policy, Practice, and Potential" (Austin, Texas, August 7–8, 2019) [slides (local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  5. Kevin Hawkins, "Monitoring Usage of Open Access Long-Form Content." Presentation during NISO Virtual Conference "Long Form Content: Ebooks, Print Volumes and the Concerns of Those Who Use Both" (March 20, 2019) [slides with speaker notes (local copy, copy in UNT Scholarly Works)].
  6. Sheila Rabun, Bernette Sherman, Kevin Hawkins, Jan Fransen, and Matt R. Regan, "ORCID US Community Showcase #2." Webinar presentation for ORCID US Community Consortium (January 30, 2019) [slides, recording].
  7. *Kevin Hawkins, "Broadening access to books on Texas and Oklahoma." Lightning presentation at Humanities Open Book Project Directors Meeting (Washington, D.C., September 22, 2017) [slides].
  8. *Kevin Hawkins, "Broadening access to books on Texas and Oklahoma." Lightning-round presentation during panel "Giving New Life to Old Books: The NEH/Mellon Humanities Open Book Program" at AAUP 2016 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 16–18, 2016) [slides].
  9. Kevin S. Hawkins, "The Case for a Publishing Analytics Data Alliance." CIRSS Seminar Series (Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now School of Information Sciences), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, February 12, 2016) [slides, copy in UNT Scholarly Works, audio (starts at 0:55, with my presentation from 5:20 to 24:41)].
  10. Kevin Hawkins, "Publishing by Academic Libraries". Presentation as part of panel "Producing, Using, and Preserving Public Information" at Open Access Symposium 2015: Open Access, the Law, and Public Information (UNT Dallas College of Law, May 18–19, 2015) [speaker notes, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  11. Kevin Hawkins, "Creating Scholarly Editions: An Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)". Workshop presented for Digital Frontiers and the Digital Humanities Affinity Group of the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (Denton, Texas, January 16, 2015) [workshop materials].
  12. *Ron Chrisman and Kevin Hawkins, "Open Access and the University Press". International Open Access Week 2014, University of North Texas (October 20, 2014) [event description on Open Access @ UNT website].
  13. Kevin Hawkins, "When Fulltext Search Isn't Enough: Text Encoding for Manuscripts and Other Special Collections Materials." Paper presented at Fall 2014 meeting of the Special Collections Affinity Group of the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (Arlington, Texas, September 24, 2014) [slides, copy in UNT Scholarly Works].
  14. Kevin Hawkins, "New World of Scholarly Publishing". Presentation at Summer 2014 Meeting (formerly "Third Annual Meeting") of the Scholarly Communications and Digital Curation Affinity Group (now Scholarly Communications, Digital Curation, and Digital Humanities Affinity Group) of the Cross Timbers Library Collaborative (Denton, Texas, June 20, 2014) [slides (copy in UNT Scholarly Works, local copy)].
  15. *Kevin Hawkins, Paul Schaffner, and Rebecca Welzenbach, "Creating Digital Editions: An Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)". One-day workshop presented through the Teaching and Technology Collaborative (TTC), University of Michigan (January 17, 2014) [workshop materials archived in Deep Blue Documents]
  16. *Kevin Hawkins, Paul Schaffner, and Rebecca Welzenbach, "Creating Digital Editions: An Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)". One-day workshop presented through the Teaching and Technology Collaborative (TTC), University of Michigan (November 17, 2012) [workshop materials archived in Deep Blue Documents]
  17. Michelle Dalmau and Kevin S. Hawkins, "Do You TEI? A Survey of TEI Practices in Libraries". Poster presented at TEI and the C{rl}o{wu}d: Text Encoding Initiative Conference 2012 (College Station, Texas, November 6–10, 2012) [poster].
  18. *Kevin Hawkins, Paul Schaffner, and Rebecca Welzenbach, "Creating Digital Scholarly Editions: An Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)". One-day workshop presented to faculty and graduate students in the Department of English Language & Literature and the Department of Comparative Literature, University of Michigan (March 19, 2011) [workshop materials archived in Deep Blue Documents].
  19. *Kevin Hawkins, Paul Schaffner, and Rebecca Welzenbach, "Digital Publishing and Preservation Using XML". One-day workshop presented to University Library staff, University of Michigan (November 16, 2010) [workshop materials archived in Deep Blue Documents].
  20. *Kevin Hawkins, Paul Schaffner, and Rebecca Welzenbach, "Digital Publishing and Preservation Using the TEI". One-day workshop presented to students, faculty, and staff of the School of Information (University of Michigan, November 13, 2010) [workshop materials archived in Deep Blue Documents].
  21. *Susan Schreibman and Kevin S. Hawkins, "From Text Encoding to Digital Publishing". Two-day workshop presented as part of "DHO Workshops: Text Encoding with the TEI" (Moore Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, Éire [Ireland], April 7–8, 2010):
    1. Lecture: Introduction to XML [slides].
    2. Lecture: Introduction to the TEI header [slides].
    3. Lecture: Why not encode? [slides, handout].
    4. Lecture: Digital workflows [slides].
    5. Lecture: How to publish your TEI documents [handout].
  22. *Kevin Hawkins, "e-Publishing for Postgrads". Workshop presented at UCD Humanities Institute of Ireland (Dublin, Éire [Ireland], March 31, 2010) [slides].
  23. *Kevin Hawkins, "Discovering open-access resources", Annual Seminar 2010 "E-MAGINATION: Sourcing, Evaluating & Delivering Electronic Information Resources", Academic & Special Libraries Section, Library Association of Ireland (LAI) (Dublin, Éire [Ireland], February 9, 2010) [slides].
  24. *Kevin Hawkins and K. Faith Lawrence, "Digital Humanities Symposium: Metadata, Markup and Digital Management" (University College Cork (UCC), Éire [Ireland], January 14–15, 2010):
    1. Digital Project Management [slides].
    2. Tools to Manage Digital Humanities Projects [slides].
    3. Brief Introduction to TEI [slides, exercise].
  25. *"So You Want to Start a Journal?" (with Maria Bonn and Shana Kimball). Open Access Week 2009, University of Michigan (March 26, 2009).
  26. Panelist, "SkillShare: Reflections and Discussion", Librarians' Forum, University of Michigan (May 28, 2008).
  27. Kevin Hawkins, "Intellectual Property and the Scholarly Publishing Office." Substitute for panel "Policing Intellectual Property: The Current Plagiarism Panic" at Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: A Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Writing (Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 23–25, 2005).
  28. Kevin Hawkins, "Searching the English-Language Internet." American Center in Moscow [Американский центр, Москва], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], May 18, 2005) [webpage in English, webpage in Russian].
  29. Kevin Hawkins, "Racism in America." Irkutsk American Center (Иркутск [Irkutsk], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], May 12, 2005) [slides].
  30. *Panel Participant, "Digitization at the University of Michigan: Overview of the University Library's Digital Library Production Service & Scholarly Publishing Office". SALALM XLIX: Women in Latin American Studies: Reshaping the Boundaries (Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 5–8, 2004).
  31. *"The Library as Publisher: Creating Scholarly Resources." Presentation to visitors from 天津 [Tianjin], 中华人民共和国 [People's Republic of China] (April 22, 2004) [slides].
  32. *"Research Technologies" (with Miranda Remnek). LIS 433C: Slavic Bibliography, Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now School of Information Sciences), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (December 4, 2003).
  33. *"Slavic Library Projects at the University of Illinois" (with Miranda Remnek). 13th Annual Slavic Librarians' Workshop. Summer Research Laboratory. Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (July 10, 2003).
  34. *"Finding and Using E-Text Sites." 13th Annual Slavic Librarians' Workshop. Summer Research Laboratory (Urbana and Champaign, Illinois, July 10, 2003).
  35. *Technology Applications in Slavic Studies" (with Miranda Remnek). Research Workshop. Summer Research Laboratory (Urbana and Champaign, Illinois).
  36. *"Finding & Using E-Text Sites"; "Slavic Library Digital Projects" (with Miranda Remnek). Presentation to Russian Librarians visiting under the auspices of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (May 16, 2003).
  37. Kevin Hawkins, "Theoretical Issues in Text Encoding—A Critical Review." Poster presented at Extreme Markup Languages 2003 (Montréal [Montreal], Québec [Quebec], Canada, August 4–8, 2003) [poster].


  1. Principal Investigator, "Developing a Data Trust for Open Access Ebook Usage" (outright: $1.2 million from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 2019) [grant narrative, project webpage]
  2. Co-Principal Investigator, "Understanding OA Ebook Usage: Toward a Common Framework" (outright: $93,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 2018) [redacted grant narrative].
  3. Project Director (PI), "Broadening access to books on Texas and Oklahoma", Humanities Open Book Program (outright: $95,599 from National Endowment for the Humanities, 2015) [grant narrative, whitepaper].


  1. OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit (May 2020 – June 2022).
  2. Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert Collaborative Translation Project (December 2017, October 2019)
  3. TEI Wiki ("TEIWiki") (December 2006 – May 2019) [user contributions].
  4. EPUB 3.1 (published 2017)
  5. The Lib Pub: A Group Blog on Library Publishing (April–July 2016) [author archives].
  6. Digital Humanities Questions and Answers (January 23, 2011 – November 2015) [user activity].
  7. TEI @ Sourceforge (January 25, 2009 – April 15, 2015) [SourceForge user page].
  8. EPUB 3 (published 2011)
  9. "A Bibliography of Publications related to the Text Encoding Initiative" (December 2006, July 2007 – May 2013).
  10. "Education & Awareness" (a bibliography of resources on copyright law for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian materials) (2008–2009).
  11. The Digital Slavist (November 2006–April 17, 2007?).
  12. Каталог сетевых ресурсов по русской филологии и фольклору / сост. К. В. Вигурский, И. А. Пильщиков, К. Хокинс // Фундаментальная электронная библиотека «Русская литература и фольклор» ►K.V. Vigursky, I.A. Pilshchikov, K. Hawkins, "A Catalog of Electronic Resources on Russian Philology and Folklore", Fundamental Digital Library of Russian Literature and Folklore (coauthor of version 2.5, released May 24, 2005).


  1. Member, Technical Advisory Committee, Kotahi Foundation (January 2025 – ).
  2. Member, Scholarly Communications Group, Johns Hopkins University (October 2022 – ).
  3. Member, Editorial Board, Russian Digital Libraries Journal (February 2015 – ).
  4. Project Director (one of three currently), Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert Collaborative Translation Project (April 2014 – ).
  5. Member, Pacific University Press Editorial Board (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2021, July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2024).
  6. Mentor, Dr. Yvonne J. Chandler Mentorship Program, College of Information, University of North Texas (Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023).
  7. Session chair, "Critical Approaches to Data Sharing", a panel during Love Data Week 2024 (Johns Hopkins Libraries, February 14, 2024) [recording].
  8. Member, review panel for Cultural and Community Resilience (CCR) grant program, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (2023).
  9. Board of Trustees, Open Access Book Usage (OAeBU) Data Trust (2022)
    1. Member, Fiscal Sponsorship Committee (January 1, 2023 – July 25, 2023)
    2. Chair, Fiscal Sponsorship Committee (April 14, 2022 – December 31, 2022)
    3. Vice-Chair, Board of Trustees (March 10, 2022 – December 31, 2022)
    4. Member, Board of Trustees (2022)
  10. Member, advisory board, Open Platform for Authoring Open Textbooks (September 1, 2019 – August 31, 2022).
  11. Member, Negotiated Rulemaking Committee on Open Educational Resources Grant Program, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (May 12, 2022 – July 27, 2022).
  12. *Member, Policy Committee (formerly Policy Workgroup), University of North Texas Libraries (February 2019 – July 2022).
  13. *Co-chair, Working with Data Affinity Group, University of North Texas Libraries (April 2021 – July 2022).
  14. Member, Project MUSE Advisory Board (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2018, July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2022).
  15. Member, search committee for engineering librarian, University of North Texas Libraries (January – June 2022).
  16. Webmaster, OA2020 US Working Group and Community of Practice (August 2020 – June 2022).
  17. Co-leader, ARL Team, University of North Texas Libraries (July 1, 2021 – June 3, 2022)
  18. *Member, search committee for compliance coordinator for CLEAR, University of North Texas (October–December 2021)
  19. *Adjudicating panelist, Fall 2021 Master's 3MT Competition, University of North Texas.
  20. Member, Inclusive Metadata Statement Sub-Force, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Cataloging and Metadata Task Force, University of North Texas Libraries (September–November 2021).
  21. Member, JATS Standing Committee, NISO (May 2013 – August 2021).
  22. Member, Diversity & Inclusion Task Force, Library Publishing Coalition (October 2020 – June 2021).
  23. Member, COAPI Steering Committee (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2021).
  24. Member, Programme Committee, El'Manuscript 2021: Textual Heritage and Information Technologies (April 2021).
  25. *Chair, Working with Data Affinity Group, University of North Texas Libraries (March 2020 – April 2021).
  26. *Adjudicating panelist, Spring 2021 Master's 3MT Competition, University of North Texas.
  27. Mentor, LPC Fellowship Program (November 2019 –  December 2020).
  28. Member, Digital Publishing Committee, Association of University Presses (formerly Association of American University Presses) (July 2017 – June 2020).
  29. *Member, Public Services Outreach Workgroup, University of North Texas Libraries (May 2019 – March 2020).
    1. Chair, task force on learning outcomes (May 2019 – March 2020).
  30. *Chair, search committee for online learning librarian, University of North Texas Libraries (March–November 2019).
  31. *Member, search committee for compliance coordinator for CLEAR, University of North Texas (April–June 2019)
  32. *Open Access Advisory Board, University of North Texas.
    1. Chair (Fall 2018 – Spring 2019).
    2. Co-chair (Fall 2016 – Spring 2017, Fall 2017 – Spring 2018).
    3. Member (Fall 2016 – Spring 2019).
  33. *Panelist, career panel for linguistics professions, College of Information, University of North Texas (April 18, 2019).
  34. *Adjudicating panelist, Spring 2019 Master's 3MT Competition, University of North Texas.
  35. Member, LPC Membership Structure Reevaluation Subgroup (October 2017 – August 2018).
  36. Member, planning group, Owned by the Academy: A Preconference on Open Source Publishing Software, Library Publishing Coalition (August 2017 – April 2018).
  37. *Member, provost's committee on Faculty Information System, University of North Texas (October 2017 – February 2018).
  38. Co-Convenor, TEI Special Interest Group (SIG) on Libraries (September 14, 2008 –  November 14, 2017).
  39. Member, Advisory Board, Open Access Publishing Cooperative Study (2015–2017).
  40. *Chair, Scholarly Communication Transformation Workgroup, University of North Texas Libraries (September 17, 2015 – July 18, 2017).
  41. *Chair, search committee for copyright librarian, University of North Texas Libraries (October 2016 – May 2017)
  42. Webmaster pro tempore, TEI Consortium (January–February 2017).
  43. Member, advisory board, Editoria (2015–2017).
  44. Webmaster, TEI Consortium (November 2014 – December 2016).
  45. Member, Programme Committee, Textual Heritage and Information Technologies (El'Manuscript-2016) (Vilnius, Lietuvos Respublika [Republic of Lithuania], August 22–28, 2016).
  46. *Chair, search committee for scholarly communication librarian, University of North Texas Libraries (December 2015 – July 2016).
  47. LPC Board, Library Publishing Coalition.
    1. Immediate Past President (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016).
    2. President (October 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015).
  48. Member, Finance Committee, Library Publishing Coalition (February 10, 2015 – June 30, 2015, July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016).
  49. Member, ACRL/SEES (now EES) Access and Preservation Committee [page on Slavic & East European Studies Group website] (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015, July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016).
  50. Member, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34/JWG 7 ("Joint JTC 1/SC 34-TC 46/SC 4-IEC/TC 100/TA 10 WG: EPUB") (November 2013  – February 2016).
  51. Representative, Library Assembly, University of North Texas Libraries (September 2014 – August 2015, September 2015 – December 2015).
  52. Member, journals subgroup, EPUB Working Group (September–October 2015).
  53. Mentor, UNT LISSA Fall 2015 Mentor Program (September–December 2015).
  54. *Member, Program Committee, Open Access Symposium 2015: Open Access, the Law, and Public Information (UNT Dallas College of Law, May 18–19, 2015).
  55. Mentor, UNT LISSA Spring Mentorship Program (January–May 2015).
  56. Member of the review committee, (Specification for) Open Access Metadata and Indicators, NISO (March 2013 – January 2015).
  57. Assistant webmaster, TEI Consortium (November 2011 – November 2014).
  58. Member, Programme Committee, Textual Heritage and Information Technologies (El'Manuscript-2014) (Варна [Varna], Република България [Republic of Bulgaria], September 15–20, 2014).
  59. Representative (appointed replacement), Library Assembly, University of North Texas Libraries (June 16, 2014 – August 2014).
  60. Session chair, "Publishing in the Digital Humanities", AAUP 2014 (New Orleans, Louisiana, June 22–24, 2014).
  61. Member, search committee for associate university librarian for publishing and director of the University of Michigan Press, University Library, University of Michigan (November 2013  – March 2014).
  62. Member, TEI Technical Council, Text Encoding Initiative Consortium (January 1, 2010 – December 31, 2011, January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2013).
    1. Task force for TEI Tite (September 2010 – ).
    2. Ad-hoc committee on TEI for Google Books (September 2011 – December 2013).
    3. Ad-hoc Committee on Encoding of Bibliographic Citations (February 2010 – March 2013).
  63. *Partner Representative, Control Board, Arkivoc (2011–2013).
  64. *Panelist, "Information Careers at U-M", School of Information, University of Michigan (February 14, 2013).
  65. Member, Intranet Advisory Committee, University Library, University of Michigan (August 2012 – February 2013).
  66. Managing Editor, Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative (2010–2012).
  67. Member, Program Committee, Information Technologies and Textual Heritage (El'Manuscript-12) (Петрозаводск [Petrozavodsk], Республика Карелия [Republic of Karelia], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], September 3–8, 2012).
  68. Panelist, 2nd Annual Language House Alumni Panel, Language House, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of Maryland (April 27, 2012).
  69. Member, review panel for Digital Humanities Implementation Grants (DHIG), National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (2012).
  70. Member, 2011 Nominating Committee, Text Encoding Initiative Consortium
  71. Member, 2011 DLF Forum Program (Planning) Committee.
  72. Member, General Counsel's Advisory Committee (GCAC), Senate Assembly, University of Michigan (September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2011).
  73. Member, Elections Committee, Librarians' Forum, University Library, University of Michigan (February–June 2011).
  74. Invited Expert, EPUB Metadata Subgroup, EPUB 3 Working Group (July 2010 – February 2011).
  75. Member, Program Committee, Information Technology and Textual Heritage (El'Manuscript-10) (Уфа/Өфө [Ufa], Республики Башкортостан/Башҡортостан Республикаһы [Bashkortostan], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], October 25–28, 2010).
  76. Member, Subcommittee on Copyright Issues, Bibliography and Documentation Committee (now Committee on Libraries & Information Resources (CLIR)), American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) (now Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)) (2007–2009).
  77. Local organizer and member of the Program Committee, 2009 Conference and Members’ Meeting of the TEI Consortium (Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 11–15, 2009).
  78. Member, Programme Committee, 2008 TEI Annual Members Meeting "TEI: Supporting Cultural Heritage Research" (London, England, United Kingdom, November 6–8, 2008) [archived conference website, website at TEI Consortium].
  79. Member, Program Committee, Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage: From Ancient Texts to Electronic Libraries (El'Manuscript-08) (Казань/Казан [Kazan], Республика Татарстан/Татарстан Республикасы [Republic of Tatarstan], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], August 25–30, 2008).
  80. Secretary, Librarians' Forum, University Library, University of Michigan (September 2007 – June 2008, September 2006 – June 2007).
  81. Convenor, Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Tools (formerly "Presentation (Tools)") (November 13, 2006–May 19, 2008).
  82. Mentor, Practical Engagement Program (PEP), School of Information, University of Michigan (May–August 2009, January–April 2009, January–April 2008).
  83. Member, "E-Support Committee" (E-Resources Committee, "NRT Alert Committee", or "NeRTAlert Committee"), University Library, University of Michigan (April 2006 – December 31, 2007).
  84. Member, Subcommittee on Digital Projects, Bibliography and Documentation Committee (now Committee on Libraries & Information Resources (CLIR)), American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) (now Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)) (2005–2007).
  85. Session chair, "There Is More than One Way to Get There from Here", TEI@20: 20 Years of Supporting the Digital Humanities: the 20th Anniversary Text Encoding Initiative Consortium Members' Meeting (College Park, Maryland, October 31, 2007 – November 3, 2007).
  86. Session Chair, "Text and Applications", Digital Humanities 2007 (Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, June 3–9, 2007).
  87. Member, Program Committee, Digital Humanities 2007 (Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, June 3–9, 2007).
  88. Mentor, Directed Field Experience (DFE), School of Information, University of Michigan (May 2006 – August 2006).
  89. Member, Library Travel Committee, University Library, University of Michigan (September 1, 2005 – July 31, 2006).
  90. Member, Organizational Committee, Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage: From Ancient Manuscripts to Electronic Texts, Ижевск [Izhevsk], Удмуртская Республика [Udmurt Republic], Российская Федерация [Russian Federation], July 13–17, 2006).
  91. Member, Program Committee, Digital Humanities 2006 (Paris, France, July 4–9, 2006).


  1. Apex CoVantage: document analysis, XML schema development, and crosswalking for project-specific implementations of TEI Tite (2010–2014).
  2. The Book Rack (Timonium, Maryland): database development (January 2003).

Professional Membership

  1. American Library Association (ALA) (2002–).
  2. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) (2003–2022).
  3. University Information Policy Officers (2018–2022).
  4. TEI Consortium (2002, 2009–2018).
  5. Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) (2013–2015).
  6. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) (now Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)) (2004–2010).
  7. Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) (2004?–2007).
  8. Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (now The European Association for Digital Humanities) (2004–2007).
  9. Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) (now part of Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures) (2002–2005).
  10. American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) (2002–2005).
  11. American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) (2001).
  12. American Council of Teachers of Russian (ACTR) (now part of the American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS) (2000).

Awards and Honors

  1. Roster candidate, Fulbright Specialist Program, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (December 18, 2014 – December 18, 2019).
  2. Leadership Award, Library School Alumni Association (now iSchool Alumni Association), Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now School of Information Sciences), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (June 24, 2012).
  3. Fulbright Fellowship to Russia, U.S. Student Program, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (January–August 2005). Proposal title: "Russian Libraries: Traditional and Digital".
  4. Member, Alpha Chapter, Beta Phi Mu, the International Honor Society for Library and Information Science (November 13, 2004).
  5. Housing Grant, Summer Research Laboratory on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia, Russian, East European and Eurasian Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (July 5-11, 2004).
  6. ALLC Bursary Award, Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (awarded June 12, 2004).
  7. Jane B. and Robert B. Downs Professional Promise Award, Graduate School of Library and Information Science (now School of Information Sciences), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (awarded May 16, 2004).
  8. DLF Forum Fellowship for Librarians New to the Profession, Digital Library Federation (awarded April 2004).
  9. Walter V. Hohenstein Graduate Fellowship award (from Phi Kappa Phi Chapter 022) (Fall 2002 – Spring 2003; awarded April 14, 2002).
  10. Phi Beta Kappa (May 22, 2002).
  11. Graduate School Scholarship, Graduate School, University of Maryland (awarded April 3, 2002; declined).