e-Publishing for Postgrads

Kevin S. Hawkins

Notes from a presentation given at the National University of Ireland, Galway, May 4, 2010.

To supplement the slides, see the following resources.

General resources

SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition has resources on author rights, campus open-access policies, journal pricing, open access to scholarship, open data, open educational resources, public access to research, and repositories.

What's wrong with the traditional system, and how are people redesigning it?

Periodicals Price Survey 2008: Embracing Openness – This survey, commissioned by the US-based Library Journal, discusses recent developments in journal publishing and gathers statistics in price increased for scholarly publishing.

University Publishing in a Digital Age – This report on university publishing argues for a renewed commitment to publishing by universities.

MediaCommons – 'a network in which scholars, students, and other interested members of the public can help to shift the focus of scholarship back to the circulation of discourse.' In particular, see Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy.

Open access

The effect of open access and downloads ('hits') on citation impact: a bibliography of studies

Open Access Directory

Subject repositories can be located by searching these three websites:

Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN)

Open Access in Ireland

How can you get published?

How to get your thesis published – This short essay by the executive director of humanities and social sciences at Cambridge University Press gives advice for younger scholars.

How can you help rebuild the system?

Create Change – This site is developed by a number of US-based library organisations and is aimed at convincing scholars of the need for change in the system. 'Shouldn't the way we share research be as advanced as the Internet?'

What you can do to promote open access

Setting up an OA journal:

Free and open-source journal management software – mostly software for publishing journals. There are also institutions who will maintain the journal website for you, such as:

SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition provides many free online resources in starting new open-access publications (including creating a business model), converting subscription-based journals to open access, and finding tools and services for online publishing. They also offer an excellent consulting service for publications seeking help in navigating these changes.

Cited or given as an example in the slides