Text Encoding Initiative Workshop [Школа «Text Encoding Initiative»]

Instructors: Kevin S. Hawkins and Miranda B. Remnek

Interpreting: Tatjana Timčenko and Alexei Lavrentiev [А. М. Лаврентьев]

Workshop presented at the international workshop and conference "Modern Information Technologies and the Written Heritage: From Ancient Manuscripts to Electronic Texts" [Международная школа-конференция «Современные информационные технологии и письменное наследие: от древних рукописей к электронным текстам»], held July 13–17, 2006, in Izhevsk, Udmurtia, Russia.


  1. Annotation of Written Cultural Heritage, HTML – slides from a presentation by Lou Burnard at the workshop on Annotation of Written Cultural Heritage, Prague, March 2005.
  2. Early 19th-Century Rusian Readership & Culture: A Hypertext Archive


Depending on your browser and computer configuration, you might not be able to view the TEI source files or HTML files properly.

  1. Introduction to XML, TEI Source, HTML
  2. Introduction to TEI, TEI Source, HTML
  3. Basic encoding, TEI Source, HTML
  4. Practice encoding using sample file: П. А. Вотинцев, Использование формата TEI для обмена данными с полнотекстовой информационно-поисковой системой «Манускрипт»
  5. Encoding of various genres, TEI Source, HTML
  6. Lunch break
  7. Alternative readings, TEI Source, HTML
  8. Pointing and inclusion TEI Source, HTML
  9. Overlap ("O V E R L H A P P E N S"), TEI Source, HTML
  10. Document and project analysis, TEI Source, HTML
  11. Rendition and presentational markup TEI Source, HTML
  12. Manuscript and physical document encoding, TEI Source, HTML
  13. Options for displaying your files, TEI Source, HTML
  14. Participation in the TEI, TEI Source, HTML

For additional reference